Forums - Question about supers (Hyper Sentinel Force vs. Ahvb) Show all 12 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Question about supers (Hyper Sentinel Force vs. Ahvb) ( Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:26:2001 04:35 PM: Question about supers (Hyper Sentinel Force vs. Ahvb) What happens if you throw a Hyper Sentinel Force against an Ahvb? Does cable get hit? Does Sentinel get hit? Do both get hit? I do not know someone answer please. Posted by 707Represent on 05:26:2001 04:47 PM: Well ive had mixed resuslts w/ this, sometimes i can do ahvb when the HSF comes out and the drones will go right thru me and i wont get hit, but sometimes the drones will hit me .....i guess its luck? Posted by Chaap on 05:26:2001 05:49 PM: I think if you hit the drones with shots of the ahvb they are nulled and will pass through you, although they will look the same. Just a guess, though. Posted by dReW on 05:26:2001 06:02 PM: i've done this on my friend plenty of times... dont quote me on this, but i think the drones go through you if you throw out the AHVB fast enough... like right when sentinel does his HSF. cuz i've done it when the drones are about halfway across the screen and i get hit, but when i do it at the same time, the AHVB hits and cable doesnt get hit thas my input. latez Posted by Supergeek on 05:26:2001 06:07 PM: I find that in most cases of Sentinel vs. Cable regarding supers, results sometimes will vary. Everyone knows that Ground HVB against HSF, HSF will win, it usually does, especially if it's the first super fired. Now, in the case of AHVB vs. HSF, AHVB will win NO MATTER WHAT, it can be the second super performed, it will not matter. AHVB has the fastest, and I mean FASTEST start up frames and time for a super in the entire game, nothing will defeat it, which is why it's the most dangerous super in the game. It only has the startup frame and time of 1, it won't matter if you had like a 2 second head start, and even if Cable doesn't get the chance to super before Sentinel, he can still punish Sentinel during the lag. Posted by PuReELiTE on 05:26:2001 06:12 PM: Cable either beats it or cancels it out(ie, they both get hit) Posted by Wil Power on 05:26:2001 06:51 PM: I think when the HSF comes right at Cable, Cable can do DP xx AHVB. During the frame of doing the DP, Cable is invincible for a split second and then when Cable does the AHVB, he's invincible for another split second. Guess if you time it right, Cable will cancel HSF and hit Sentinel. Otherwise, most of the times, I sj, then right above the HSF, I do HVB. That goes through HSF and hits Sentinel all the time. Other then that, majority of the times where Cable is on the ground and HSF is coming right at him, and Cable does AHVB, both cancel out! Posted by Aoishi2AL on 05:27:2001 02:44 AM: This is interesting. So I would have to use a psimitar...Blah. This is freaking Crazy! Never will a person try to ahvb my Sentinel's hsf. But since the majority state ahvb will go through I shall be careful. Thanks to the pips who posted. Posted by mixup on 05:27:2001 07:48 AM: I've hit cable before when he did his ahvb pretty quickly. it seems kinda quirky to me.. Posted by Terazon on 05:27:2001 10:05 PM: IMO Cable has 1 chance against the HSF if he wants to punish it. He must read it and immediately smash it down on sight with the AHVB. This one and only chance is far too easily seen and taken advantage of by most average players [myself included] IMO. Otherwise they will trade hits and both waste their meter [and this is rare]. If you eat the super while trying to AHVB you reacted way too late, were facing a cornered Sentinel, or both. This worst case scenario I have NEVER seen and view as virtually impossible. Cable's AHVB will win against the HSF everytime it is engaged because the drones will be rendered inactive once they touch the beam. They remain on screen, but will not hit. The AHVB is alot faster as well but... -Crossfires are nullified by HSF. AHVB although a slightly better choice than HSF overall doesen't do this. -The HSF has a subtracted recovery framerate. This means Sentinel recovers BEFORE the super becomes completely inactive allowing you to block ANY retaliation attempts INCLUDING AHVB. Another character like this is Thanos with Power super [The ball]. Cable if he must punish Sentinel for using this super before he needs to block it. Otherwise he wastes meter. Choose wisely dependent on your style of play. Sentinel is a better character overall IMO, but Cable is quite possibly Sentinel's worst match. Doom is also a serious threat to them both. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 05:30:2001 03:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Supergeek I find that in most cases of Sentinel vs. Cable regarding supers, results sometimes will vary. Everyone knows that Ground HVB against HSF, HSF will win, it usually does, especially if it's the first super fired. Now, in the case of AHVB vs. HSF, AHVB will win NO MATTER WHAT, it can be the second super performed, it will not matter. No, this isn't true. There are times that the HSF will punch through the AHVB (hence the first poster asked). However, Sentinel will _always_ be hit. It's just a question of whether Cable will or won't. If he does, the AHVB ends. The exact properties are blurry. I've hit Cable witth the HSF before, during, and after the AHVB has started. I've also see the HSF completely go through Cable (again, in instanced before, during and after the AHVB started). Posted by Sentinels Force on 05:30:2001 03:57 AM: Re: Question about supers (Hyper Sentinel Force vs. Ahvb) quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL What happens if you throw a Hyper Sentinel Force against an Ahvb? Does cable get hit? Does Sentinel get hit? Do both get hit? I do not know someone answer please. hyper sentinel force vs air HVB regretably the air HVB will win most of the times if ur fortunate the drones will pass by fast to hit cables foot and knock him down but most of the times the air HVB will win and a ground HVB and all depends on how fast the move comes out because if cables hits the sentinel with his super before the drones get close enough to hit him the beam will build some sort of shield on cable and will protect him from the drones most of the times All times are GMT. The time now is 01:38 AM. Show all 12 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.